For saving space and soil, this method also has several
other benefits, including no soil-borne diseases, no
weeds to pull and no soil to till, run-of-the-mill side
benefits of soil-less gardening.

Hydroponic Gardening Article

Hydroponics is basically a Greek word which associates the method of growing plants using nutrient solutions, without soil is known as hydroponics. Hydro means water and pono means labor.

Botanical Garden Park View City

Park view City has reserved a area dedicated to a special botanical garden to collect, cultivate, preserve and display of a wide range of plants in the society. The garden will include a vast variety of plants, herb gardens & rare plants from around the world. There will be greenhouses and  shade houses constructed to cultivate special collections...

Best Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

As much as you love sitting outside with your family and friends, you probably hate the mosquitoes that can come out of nowhere. These winged insects often hover near water sources, which is why some experts say that you must eliminate any water around your home. You can actually get rid of mosquitoes and still keep your pond or pool. Make Your...

Things you need to have in your washroom

The washroom is one of the places where all the important decisions are made. The reason behind this is because this is the place where someone can actually relax. SO if you have a comfortable bathroom, there is a pretty good chance that you will feel fresh after a bath. It also gives you space to rethink your decisions. So in order to make your washroom...

What are the ways and benefits of Hydroponic Gardening?

Soil has been the most important element in growing of plants, but there is also a type of gardening which doesn’t use soil which is known as hydroponic gardening. As surprising as it sounds this type of gardening is not a new concept but it dates back to 7th century BC. But with new researches more discoveries about the advantages of hydroponic gardening...

Is Hydroponics Right For You?

If you haven’t heard of hydroponic gardening let’s start from the top! The word comes from two Greek words meaning water and labor. Hydroponics is a soil-less way of gardening that’s been around for thousands of years. Scientists in Western countries began researching this method during the mid-century, around 1950. However many Eastern countries like...

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