For saving space and soil, this method also has several
other benefits, including no soil-borne diseases, no
weeds to pull and no soil to till, run-of-the-mill side
benefits of soil-less gardening.

Hydroponic Gardening Article

Hydroponics is basically a Greek word which associates the method of growing plants using nutrient solutions, without soil is known as hydroponics. Hydro means water and pono means labor.


Many different substrates are used for plant support in hydroponic culture, but one of the unique requirements for research is that the media be easily separated from the roots. Peat, perlite, and vermiculite are good substrates but roots and root hairs grow into these substrates, so they are unsuitable for studies of root size and morphology. Sand...


THE IMPORTANCE OF FLOW RATE Most hydroponic systems have inadequate flow rates, which results in reduced oxygen levels at root surfaces. This stresses roots and can increase the incidence of disease. Oxygen is soluble only as a micronutrient, yet its uptake rate is much faster than any other nutrient element.The nutrient film technique was designed...


The phythium fungus has been the only serious disease we have encountered in our systems, and disease problems have been relatively rare, particularly when all parts of the system are kept covered to keep dust and dirt particles away from the solution. Every plant pathologist on the planet recommends sanitation as the best control procedure for phythium,...


Although silicon has not been recognized as an essential element for higher plants, its beneficial effects have been shown in many plants. Silicon is abundant in all field grown plants, but it is not present in most hydroponic solutions. Silicon has long been recognized as particularly important to rice growth, but a recent study indicated that it may only be important during pollination in rice (Ma et al. 1989). The beneficial effects of silicon (Si) are twofold:it protects against insect and disease attack (Cherif et al. 1994; Winslow, 1992;...


Is pH control important? Most people assume pH control is essential, but there is considerable misunderstanding about the effect of pH on plant growth. Plants grow equally well between pH 4 and 7, if nutrients do not become limiting. This is because the direct effects of pH on root growth are small, the problem is reduced nutrient availability at high...


The objective is to develop a recipe for a refill solution that replenishes both nutrients and the water. Plants have evolved to tolerate large nutrient imbalances in the root-zone, but in recirculating hydroponic systems, imbalances in nutrient replenishment are cumulative. It is thus important to understand the principles for nutrient replacement, especially when the solution is continuously recycled over the life cycle of a crop.Traditional nutrient solution recipes, such as Hoagland solution, can be used as refill solution if they are diluted...


The essential nutrients can be put into 3 categories based on how quickly they are removed from solution. Group 1 elements are actively absorbed by roots and can be removed from solution in a few hours. Group 2 elements have intermediate uptake rates and are usually removed from solution slightly faster than water is removed. Group 3 elements are passively absorbed from solution and often accumulate in solution.Approximate uptake rates of the essential plant nutrients.GROUP 1 Active uptake, fast removal NO3, NH4, P, K, MnGROUP 2 Intermediate...

Nutrient Management in Recirculating Hydroponic Culture

By Bruce Bugbee INTRODUCTION In preparation for writing this paper, I read the related papers from previous HSA proceedings. I am impressed by the amount of useful information. The annual meeting and proceedings of HSA have become an important source of technical information on the hydroponic culture of plants. This information is not necessarily available...

Hydroponic Strawberries Avoid Soil Pests

The first recorded use of hydroponics is in one of the seven wonders of the ancient world: the Hanging Gardens of Babylon where, historians say, plants were grown in a steady stream of water. Centuries later, U.S. troops stationed on infertile Pacific Islands during World War II ate fresh fruits and vegetables produced by hydroponics.Hydroponics from...

The Aerogarden Hydroponics System - An Indoor Gardener's Dream

Looking for a different gift for your gardener in your life? Or something to give to your favorite cook? Once in a while something new shows up in the world of gardening, and that describes the Aerogrow Aerogarden Indoors Hydroponics System. It uses technology that didn't even exist ten years ago. It's so different that it was actually featured in...

Growing Hybrid Grapes

By Jim BruceGrowing hybrid grapes is becoming more popular for wine and eating. This popularity comes from the fact that hybrid grapes can be grown in areas where the traditional European grapes cannot survive. It also comes about because more and more people are growing grapes in their backyard to produce their own vintage wine.What are hybrid grapes?...

Conversion from conventional culture to passive hydroponics

Medium is rinsed and soaked overnight. The plant is removed from the old pot and old medium is thoroughly removed from the roots. Rotten roots are cut away and overlong roots are trimmed. All the roots are thoroughly washed in lukewarm water. Some new medium is arranged at the bottom of the new container. The plant is accommodated and more new medium...

Uninvited Houseguests

By Jack DeAngelisMany gardeners move potted plants from outdoors to indoors in the fall to protect them from winter weather. For example you may have a potted jade plant that does fine on the deck from April to September but would die if exposed to even moderately cold fall weather. In fact, potted houseplants often do better if given this yearly exposure...

Orchids Hydroponics

Popular mediaLECA (Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate) - expanded/fired clay pellets or clay pebbles , perlite, vermiculite, gravel, charcoal, rockwool, coconut husk chips and their combinations.Diatomite is expanded silicaseous earth, good as a component and beautiful too.WaterMedium is flushed with tepid water solution when reservoir is nearly empty....

Hydroponics for orchid cultivation

Passive hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Instead a practically inert wicking medium transports water and fertilizer to the roots by capillary action. Medium contains a multitude of free air spaces and thus delivers oxygen to the roots. This has been applied to orchid growing where, as well as its commonly-cited advantages, the...

6 Fashion Tips for Gardeners

By Linda Gray Clothes and skin cream are far removed from potting out your begonias, or digging a trench for a line of potatoes. But the clothes you wear are important for your protection in the garden. Here are six simple but effective solutions to various gardening hazards...Starting from the top, you need to protect your head. Body heat escapes through the head and in the cold weather a warm hat should be worn. Knit yourself a 'gardening crazy' hat or buy a simple woollen hat on the high street.And in the summer, even more attention should be...

Greenhouse Accessories

By Garry John Accessorizing your greenhouse isn't quite the same as accessorizing any other 'room' in your home. Greenhouse accessories aren't a fashion statement - they're functional things like shelves, misters, irrigation systems, covers and heaters that increase the functionality of your greenhouse. What greenhouse accessories should you consider...

Bloggerwave for Blogger

Dear Gardener and Readers,Bloggerwave is a sponsor site for blogger who offer the opportunity just write and post some story about advertiser who want to promote the product on the powerful online market in the world. Blogger's money earned from paid posting can help bloggers to pay for anything such as advertise online, I think Bloggerwave pay highest from the other sponsor site.For Advertiser who wants to promote your products to target customer such as seeds, garden equipment, greenhouse. You can promote by relevant blogs write and posting the...

Greenhouse Gardening as a Hobby

By Brigitte Smith For people who would like to do more gardening but live in a short growing season area, a hobby greenhouse is the answer. A hobby greenhouse is not large enough to produce vegetables or flowers on a commercial basis. It will, however, give you a place for a tomato plant or two and some fresh greens even if you live in the northern...

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