For saving space and soil, this method also has several
other benefits, including no soil-borne diseases, no
weeds to pull and no soil to till, run-of-the-mill side
benefits of soil-less gardening.

Hydroponics Systems Basic Requirements

Let there be Light! Light is the first line of life for all matter, plants are no exception. Light is essential to carry on photosynthesis, without which you could give your plants all the nutrients and moisture money could buy, but you'd still end up with a dead heap of vegetable mass. Sunlight is the ideal source of light and contains the Reds and Blues plants require to produce a healthy growth. However in a Hydroponic system Sunlight is not always an option. Artificial Horticultural lights provide the solution for the hydroponic gardener, they are cost effective assuming you shop carefully.

Oxygen -Nutrient Ratio
Plants can't absorb their nutrients unless Oxygen is present the higher the Oxygen level the quicker the absorption of nutrients . Oxygen maintains a healthy root system and allows the plant to absorb nutrients. Without oxygen circulating around the root system root rot would quickly develop. Man does not live by bread alone, and plants do not live by water alone, ample oxygen must be in the water. it. You do not grow in water in a hydroponic system, the water is a medium through which Nutrients and oxygen are fed to the roots, you need only keep the roots moist - not soaked.

Nutrient Strength
Nutrients must be solely designed for Hydroponics. Soil fertilizers utilize bacteria to break down more complex elements into useful ones- a ideal hydroponic system has minimal bacteria, if any ,Soil fertilizers are less soluble- Hydroponic systems require solubility as the nutrient delivery system is based upon that factor., Soil fertilizers are generally not pH adjusted, and usually too slow to release the necessary elements to be suitable for Hydroponic Systems.

Growth Mediums
In hydroponic's, the growing medium, not soil, holds moisture and anchors roots . Composed of inert mineral matter, it won't decompose or harbor potential soil-born problems. All the plant's nutritional requirements are filled by the nutrient mixes you add to your garden reservoir. There are two basic growth mediums recommended for Hydroponic Gardeners, Horticultural Rockwool and Geolite Aggregate, I generally use Horticultural Rockwool, as I find it more cost effective.

pH - Alkalinity & Acidity
pH is the level of acidity or alkalinity of the nutrient solution. Most nutrients in common tap water will be within the range of 6 to 6.5 pH. Which is suitable for Hydroponics systems. The requirements of Soil ph is not the requirements of Hydroponics ph .. do not confuse the two.

Temperature requirements for plants in a hydroponics system are the same as out of a Hydroponic system.

Plants require Carbon Dioxide, it is what they breathe. Poor ventilation will kill plants as surely as a lack of sunlight or water will. Ventilation systems as well as Carbon Dioxide Enrichment and control Systems are affordable and available. And are recommended for a lush Hydroponics Garden.

Water Quality
In most situations tap water is just fine for hydroponics systems, over extended periods of time you may get some mineral build-up, but this s not a major cause for concern. Excessive salinity or high zinc content could be harmful to your Hydroponics Garden , but generally as a rule of Thumb - if you drink the water yourself it's just fine.



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