A garden is a tract of land used for growing flowers, vegetables or fruit, while land used to grow flowers, trees and ornamental bushes and used for recreation purposes or to display public gardens or botanical gardens are known as often gardens. Flower gardening is increasing in popularity and nearly one in every three family is indulging in flower gardening. To make a success of flower gardening, some simple rules need to be followed and it is necessary to distinguish between the different types of flower gardening aspects.
What is an Annual and Perennial Flower?
Annual flowers complete their lifecycle in a single growing season and the seeds, when germinated in the springtime grow flowers, further produce seeds and then dies out. In contrast, perennials grow for more than one season and as the name implies live for much longer duration of time. There are two types of perennials - herbaceous perennials and woody perennials. Herbaceous perennials are known to die on the ground prior to sending up newer shoots the following springtime, while woody perennials, like trees and shrubs actually do not die but get larger and larger over time.
Preparing the Flower Bed
Autumn is the time to begin laying down new flower beds before planting fresh annuals and in order to improve the soil drainage one needs to add to the soil some organic matter. When spading the soil it is necessary to spade up to a depth of eight to ten inches and to turn the soil over completely. It is also necessary to respade the soil three to four times every week and to add fertilizers prior to planting in the springtime.
Planting Indoor Seeds
Planting seeds indoors results in their germinating and flower gardening of this type may result in weak seedlings because of inadequate light and thus not come up to expectations when planted in a garden. It may be wiser to purchase these indoor plants from a gardening shop specializing in flower gardening. Another drawback to planting seeds indoors is that it may be attacked by fungus resulting in dampening-off, a common disease for indoor plants and to avoid this, it becomes necessary to use pasteurized soil.
One more point that needs to be noted when flower gardening, is to remove old annual flowers as this helps improve and foster better blooming of new annual flowers. It will prevent seed formation which results in annuals beginning to decline and is most significant when planting ageratum, calendula, cosmos, marigold, pansy, rudbeckia, scabiosa, verbena, and zinnia.
Flower Gardening Tips and Types
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