a. Raspberries can be grown hydroponically - if the container is large enough and properly designed to slow down the plant's tendency to produce a lot of suckers.
b. A former member of the Hydroponic Society of America (of which we also are a member) has for some time now been conducting hydroponic workshops for teachers. Like a covered wagon, the hydroponic workshop is brought in white van to each school site where hydroponic information is dispensed. It's done mostly in California, though.
c. Perhaps I've talked about this before, but it still bears repeating. If your house or other structure has been invaded by ladybugs, they may now be hidden behind the walls. But as the days grow longer, they'll soon come crawling back into your living space. Ugh!
Well courage, take heart! There should now be on the market a device for controlling these little darlings. A USDA entomologist by the name of W. Louis Tedders has come up with a device which might ease your problem. The device utilizes blacklight to capture the ladybugs and then you can hold them over in a secure place until spring when once again you can free them in your garden (or greenhouse) so they can do the job they're supposed to do.
Please note: I don't know the name of the product, so you will have to do some question asking when you go to your dealer.
Just remember when you see one ladybug in the fall, you know that at least 300 aphids or other crop-destroying pests have been consumed. Especially if it's an Asian variety which seems to have invaded most of the United States.
from http://www.mayhillpress.com/
Here and there
4:23 PM