Chrysanthemums, roses and carnations also respond well to elevated C02 levels. Experiments on roses have shown a 53% increase in flower weight when exposed to 1000 ppm of C02, with specific effects of increased stem lengths, a greater number of petals and a shorter cropping time in winter. Carnation yields have been increased by up to 38% with increases in flower weight, stem thickness, and shorter flowering times.
Results on asparagus transplants and in vitro-cultured clones using C02 enrichment and supplemental lighting in greenhouse experiments are nothing short of spectacular. Desjardins, Gosselin and Lamarre (1990) reported increased root and fern dry weight for transplants of 196% and 336%, using 900 and 1500 PPM Of C02 respectively. For clones they reported increases of 335% and 229% respectively. From their C02 models it can be seen that transplants respond better to higher levels Of C02, while clones respond better to lower concentrations.
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