Hydroponic Gardening System
By Keith Richardson
Whether your interest lies in growing flowers or vegetables, the Hydroponic Gardening System, is for you. It is an easy to start, low cost and highly productive and personally, a very rewarding recreation or past time, that will show maximum yield, flavour and colours to whatever you grow. Whether you garden for fun, food or for profit, you also get to reap the rewards of hydroponic gardening without breaking the bank.
Photo: hobbyhydro.com
Whether you have a big garden, a small one or live in a flat with just a couple of window boxes, this can be the start of a very enjoyable hobby for you.
A Brief History of Hydroponics
Hydroponics comes from two Greek words, "hydro" meaning water and "ponics" meaning labour, the concept of which has been around for thousands of years. Two early working examples of such a system are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and The Floating Gardens of China.
So What Is Hydroponics?
Hydroponics is the art and practice of growing plants and vegetables in either a bath or flow of highly oxygenated, nutrient enriched water without having to use soil.
Imagine the ease and simplicity of growing a vegetable garden without having to worry about the soil or too little water or when to fertilize. And it works for both the beginner and the advanced grower! Hydroponic grown vegetables are healthy, vigorous and consistently reliable. Your flowers are bigger, stronger and more colourful and your gardening efforts are clean and tidy and extremely easy requiring very little effort on your part. Green fingers are definitely not required.
Are there Benefits to Using Hydroponics?
Well, the growth rate on a hydroponic plant is considered to be between 30-50 percent faster than a soil grown plant. The extra oxygen in the hydroponic growing medium helps to stimulate root growth. The nutrients in a hydroponic system are mixed with the water and sent directly to the root system where these nutrients are being delivered to the medium several times each day. The hydroponic plant requires very little energy to find and break down these food nutrients. The plant then uses this saved energy to help it grow faster and to produce more bloom or fruit, which in turn gives a much greater yield. In general, plants grown hydroponically are healthier and happier plants, which has to be a good thing I'm sure you would agree.
Hydroponic Systems
There are two types of Hydroponic systems, which are either active or passive. An active system moves the nutrient solution through a pump to feed the plant or vegetable. A passive system relies on the growth or capillary action of the growing medium being used. The nutrient solution is absorbed by the medium and passed along to the roots.
Should you Buy or Build a System yourself
Should I buy one or build one? Both have their merits. Obtaining an inexpensive system will allow you to get your feet wet, which will give you a hands on approach to understanding just how hydroponics works. Where as, if you are mechanically minded, then building one will give you greater satisfaction but will take longer to set up. The end result of course will be the same.
The future of vegetable and flower growing is through the use of a Hydroponic Gardening System. It is fast becoming a very popular hobby. Above all else, it is fun, exciting and easy for people of any age, to get involved in.
Keith RichardsonDid you find the above useful/interesting/beneficial? You can learn a lot more by clicking here http://normal-use.blogspot.com/
Gardening System
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