For saving space and soil, this method also has several
other benefits, including no soil-borne diseases, no
weeds to pull and no soil to till, run-of-the-mill side
benefits of soil-less gardening.

How to Create a Hydroponic Garden in 3 Easy Steps

While hydroponic gardening may not be the most familiar concept among British gardeners, it is one that continues to gain in credibility nationwide. For many who are new to the idea of hydroponics, however, the challenge of understanding and implementing its values can be extremely difficult and time-consuming. Although it is essentially a practice which enables gardeners to grow plants using mineral nutrient solutions and water as opposed to soil, implementing this into your garden requires a great deal of care and careful consideration.


How to Create a Hydroponic Garden: 3 Steps for Inexperienced Gardeners

With this in mind, what practical steps can you take towards creating an easy to maintain hydroponic garden space? Consider the following: -

Decide on what to Grow and Purchase your Seeds

As a starting point, you will need to determine the exact seed and plants that you would like to grow. From summer plants and flowers to vegetables, there are a huge range of seeds available and you must make a considered choice that reflects the vision that you have for your garden. Once this is done, the next step is to decide precisely how many seeds you require, as it is important to order them as quickly as possible before the spring demand begins to exceed the supply. Remember, plants in hydroponic gardens take up less space so you can feature more of your favourite seeds when designing the space.

Estimate the Size of the Required Area and Mark Planting Positions

It is also important that you estimate the size of the area that you will require, as you take into account your choice of seeds and any additional features that you are looking to include in your garden. If you want to install a contained or open water feature from a reputable supplier such as All Pond Solutions, for example, you will need to build the design of your hydroponic garden around this. Once you have completed this and determined the exact area where your seeds will be planted, you can begin to evenly mark and carefully space four-inch holes for your pots to be positioned. On an additional note, you may wish to use a shade cloth to help protect your burgeoning plants for a month or so if they are exposed to high temperatures.

Create your Hydroponic Solution and Plant your Seeds

To enable the plants to grow, you will need to create a hydroponic solution of fertilizers and water to a suggested strength of 20-24 CF and an end PH level of 5.5 – 6.5. These are standard guidelines, and following them closely will help you to achieve the best possible results. With this completed, you can begin to carefully remove any soil from the roots of your seedlings and plant them carefully into your pots. Then add the hydroponic solution and place your seeds in the predetermined position in your garden. Once this has been completed, your hydroponic garden will soon begin to grow and bring your artistic vision into reality!

On a final note, remember to inspect your plants on a daily basis as they grow, and pay careful attention to the chemical balance and presence of water. Water tends to evaporate quickly, so look to redress this imbalance by adding fresh water to the solution as and when required.


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